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State Showdown: Living in California vs Living in Florida

It’s no secret that California and Florida have captured the hearts of many homeowners. Both states have amazing beaches, relaxing lifestyles, and beautiful architecture, but one question has risen again and again. Which state is better to live in?

A Comparison of Beaches

california beach
California Beach

Each beach has its own distinct characteristics that define its name, but there are general types between the two states. If you love listening to quiet surf and admiring tranquil views of the ocean, Florida is probably the better home for you. Their white sandy beaches are more timid and meant for casual beach goers.

California, on the other hand, is geared for the outdoor enthusiast. Beaches, especially around the San Diego and La Jolla areas, have stronger surfs and winds. Surfers love riding big waves and testing their skills along rougher tides. Wind surfing is also another popular sport, since the coastline has strong headwinds that can give you a real adventurous thrill.

Another attribute that makes beach living in California better than Florida is the temperature. Waters are generally a couple degrees hotter in Florida, making it more comfortable to swim in, however; it makes living near the beach a little less tolerable. The humidity sticks to your skin and you constantly feel hot. Since the water is cooler in California, living near the beach is more comfortable.

A Comparison of Real Estate

We all remember the real estate bubble a few years back. California and Florida were among the hardest hit areas, but today, only one market is doing significantly better: California. Data pulled from and multiple listing services has shown a steep climb in California real estate profits. Nearly every major city has seen double digit increases in annual gains (San Francisco +18%, San Jose +17.5%, Sacramento +14.2%).

Florida, however, has seen a milder rebound with only single digit increases. Some cities have experience the growth while others are still seeing drops in house prices. So, the story is very clear. All of California is experiencing growth and real estate renewal while Florida has it only in parts of the state.

The Showdown Finale

With a mixture of dynamic and beautiful beaches, plus a rebounding real estate market, it’s easy to say California is the better state to live in. Living in charming cities like La Jolla brings out the child in all of us. Relaxing features and sports opportunities set the area above what Florida has to offer, but then again, that’s just our taste. You decide which is better. Click the button below to see why living in La Jolla is amazing.

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